Please ask me so often … “I send an email to my strata manager and I never get a response.”

What should I do?


Communication is one of the biggest complaints I hear from owners, or lack thereof from their strata managers. One of my rules of life are ‘you can’t criticise what you tolerate’… Owners Corporations pay a ‘fee for service’ and should expect just that.

The Department of Fair Trading in introducing the recent changes, adopt the catch cry of ‘Get Involved’ they want to encourage all owners to have their say, attend meetings if they are able – and have made voting far more flexible than it has been in the past.

People need to rely on their strata committee to lead them and undertake any issue they may have to discuss with their strata manager. Owners elect this strata committee to represent them – get to know these people, get their contact details so you can communicate easily. The committee then can instruct your strata manager to undertake particular roles/jobs required to ensure your properties are well maintained.

The committee’s treasurer will receive regular financial updates, these can be circulated amongst the committee members to review and discuss to ensure you are on track as per your budget, this way you won’t be shocked when you get to the AGM and there is a request for an owners contribution as you have no funds for proposed work and/or the general maintenance and fixed costs of the building.

I say to anyone I speak to, get on the committee, be proactive and you will be surprised the difference a committee of caring members can do.Cheers till next time.!!

Cheers till next time.!!